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Aviation - Nichola Trudgian - Matt Hall - John Shaw - Terry Waldron -James Dietz Equine / Classical Style Dog Paintings Commissioned Paintings - Terry Waldron Art of the War Dogs - Terry Waldron World War II - James Dietz - Larry Selman - Matt Hall -John Shaw - Larry Selman World War I - Terry Waldron - Larry Selman Civil War - Don Troiani - Mark Maritato -Terry Walron War of 1812 - Don Troiani Revolutionary War Art - Don Troiani - Mark Maritato French and Indian War Art - Robert Griffing - Don Troiani Western Art - Robert "Shuffly" Shufet - Arnold Friberg Native American - Robert Griffing - Hope Morrow Glidden - Arnold Friberg Modern Military - Larry Selman - James Dietz -John Shaw Religious Subjects - Arnold Friberg -Amerighi Carravaggio Space Exploration - Alan Bean |